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styling and photo by Maara

杉本 ゆみ




バークリーワールドスカラシップツアーにて奨学金を受け、2007年にバークリー音楽大学ジャズ作曲科へ入学。ソロからビッグバンドまで幅広い楽器編成での作曲法を学び、2010年同科を首席卒業。ジャズ作曲を主にDick Lowell氏、ピアノをBob Winter氏(ボストンポップス常任ピアニスト)に師事。


帰国後、杉本ゆみ童謡ジャズグループにて童謡や民謡を、ジャズやラテンをベースに、オリジナルアレンジで演奏。2012年『童謡ジャズ(一)めだかのがっこう』をY Guazu Records よりリリース。坂本龍一氏によるラジオ番組RADIO SAKAMOTOにて推薦作品として紹介された他、おはようサンデーなどのFMラジオ番組にてオンエアされる。手作り楽器ワークショップと童謡ジャズコンサートを組み合わせたイベントなども企画、親子で参加できるイベントとしても幅広い年代から好評を得る。


主宰するジャズオーケストラでは、2011年にファーストアルバム『たびのいりぐち』をmona records より全国発売。海外からのメンバーも含め、ジャズ、インプロヴィゼーション、民族音楽など多彩な音楽シーンで活躍するミュージシャンたちが参加している。2015年にはセカンドアルバム『おとのたびびとたち Live at Shinjuku PITINN』をリリース。





Yumi Sugimoto



Yumi Sugimoto is a composer, arranger and pianist from Tokyo, Japan. A graduate of the world renowned Berklee College of Music, she has a distinctly melodic sound that draws on jazz, world music and Japanese traditional music to create beautiful and interesting original compositions, and charming, detailed arrangements. 


Her jazz orchestra, features some of the top musicians from the Japanese Jazz, Improv, Traditional and World Music scenes, as well as international guests. They have performed her music from jazz clubs to concert halls around the Kanto region, and have released two albums - “Tabi No Iriguchi - A Door To The Journey” (2011) and "Oto No Tabibitotachi Live at Shinjuku PITINN” (2015). 


She also leads a project called “Douyou Jazz”, which showcases her characteristic arranging style with Japanese traditional nursery rhymes and folk songs. The project’s first album, "Medaka No Gakkou - Douyou Jazz Series #1” (2012), was featured in magazines and on radio, including “Radio Sakamoto” (run by music legend Ryuichi Sakamoto), and “Ohayou, Sunday” (run by popular radio personality Miyako Hamana, commonly known as “Hamammy”)


Yumi started her musical education on classical piano at the age of 4, expanding her interest to rock, metal and pop during her time at Chuo University.  After graduating, she worked for the Japanese branch of U.S. company for 6 and half years, but managed to continue her musical activities at venues around Tokyo and then gained a scholarship from Berklee College of Music’s World Scholarship Tour. Majoring in Jazz Composition, she studied arranging and composition for a variety of instrumentations with Dick Lowell, Scott Free and Greg Hopkins, and also studied piano with Bob Winter (regular pianist at the Boston Pops), before graduating in 2010 and moving back to Japan in 2011. 


Yumi continues to work with her two projects as a leader, and lends her sound to various projects in Japan as a composer, arranger and pianist. She is also passionate about helping people discover jazz, world and Japanese music, and is active in planning and leading concerts, events and workshops to enable families and a wide range of ages to access and enjoy this music.

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